Secure your students’ free spot at Surrey County Council’s ‘Surrey Festival of Skills’—a careers event that empowers, enlightens, guides and enriches.
Surrey Festival of Skills; 23 November – Sandown Park Racecourse
03 October 2023

Secure your students’ free spot at Surrey County Council’s ‘Surrey Festival of Skills’—a careers event that empowers, enlightens, guides and enriches. Brought to you in partnership with Surrey County Council, and Association of Learning Providers Surrey (ALPS), the event at Sandown Park Racecourse on Thursday 23 November 2023 will provide an interactive and informative event for young people in Year 10 and upwards. An opportunity to engage face-to-face with employers and education and training providers, from a variety of industry sectors, in one location.
This free event will support achievement of your Gatsby Benchmark outcomes effectively with so much available in one location, ensuring young people benefit from being better informed about transition and career choices with an understanding of the labour market, and are inspired about the future. Be the bridge to their future.
Register at: and apply for up to £500 bursary per education institute (based on eligibility criteria) to assist with transport costs. Register now, spaces are limited.