ALPS ALPHI Information
We host regular networking meetings for our members and opportunities to meet and discuss latest developments with the Skills Funding Agency and other potential funders, Local Enterprise Partnerships, Local Authorities and important national bodies. We also provide the opportunity for service providers to the sector to meet with our members to showcase their products and solutions.
ALPS ALPHI works closely with neighbouring networks, whilst the interests of our members and Surrey, Hants/IOW in general are represented by ALPS ALPHI on several boards and forums including the Surrey Employment and Skills Board and the association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP) at both national and regional levels.
ALPS ALPHI coordinates several events across the county including employer fairs and, in its fifth year, the prestigious Apprenticeship Graduation Ceremony at Guildford Cathedral, which sees Surrey’s Apprentice Graduates celebrating their success with family, training providers and employers in full cap and gown regalia in a wonderful location.
In addition ALPS ALPHI is at the forefront of raising awareness of Apprenticeships through work with schools and sixth-form colleges; attending Careers events, speaking at assemblies and running workshops. In November 2019 we were presented with an award by The Careers & Enterprise Company recognising our work in this area.
For more information about how ALPS ALPHI membership can benefit your business, please visit our membership page or contact us.

As a member of ALPS ALPHI you benefit from:
- Regular opportunities to network with other providers – share good practice and challenges with other Training Providers and develop working relationships with ITPs and Colleges
- Representation through ALPSALPHI on the Employment & Skills Board for Surrey, Apprentice Ambassador Network, Association of Employment & Learning Providers (our Chair, John Osborne is on the AELPS National Board and Sue Taylor, our Network Manager, is AELP’s Regional Chair)
- Input to Local Enterprise Partnerships through ALPS ALPHI involvement with both Enterprise M3 and Coast to Capital LEPs
- Raising awareness of Apprenticeships amongst school/college leavers through the successful ASK Project. Members information can also be shared (please note ALPS ALPHI provides impartial advice by promoting all members equally at events).
- Strong, collaborative links with Surrey Chamber of Commerce and Federation of Small Businesses
- Immediate sharing of funding and delivery opportunities, policy updates etc via email
- Opportunities to develop new employer links at Employment Events (eg during Apprenticeship week)

Board Chair
Adele brings more than 30 years’ experience of government funded training to our board and is currently Centre Manager at Waverley Training Services. She has also had previous management roles with the Learning & Skills Council and the National Apprenticeship Service.
In her current role, she helped WTS achieve their first ever Ofsted ‘Good’ grade in 2018 and more recently in late 2023, they were awarded ‘Good’ again. Adele has been involved with ALPS Alphi, in various roles, since 2007.
Adele has extensive experience of sub-contracting, account management and quality assurance and will ensure the network remains focused on the challenges faced within the sector and look to find and provide realistic solutions for all ALPS Alphi members.

Fiona is the Vice Chair and CEO of PETA Training & Consultancy. Fiona has worked within the skills sector for over 24 years in both ITPs & Colleges, as such is well placed to provide ALPS/ALPHI with governance and strategic direction. The majority of Fiona’s career has been developed through a solid operational leadership route, delivering education and commercial training mostly through Apprenticeship funding.
Fiona has worked in roles including large operational Apprenticeship delivery through Babcock, working with them for over 17 years. More recently before PETA she was responsible for the Apprenticeship division of Activate Learning group where she increased annual turnover from £4m to £7m through merger and strategic growth. Fiona has also held a series of board roles, which are hand-picked to enhance their business with her skills set and personal development. Fiona has also participated in:
- ESFA & DfE consultations
- Lead provider developing higher-level engineering Standards with trailblazer groups
- Policy groups with GTA England & AoC
- Local Skills Improvement Plan leadership position

Ruth has been involved in the further education sector for more than 25 years and has experience in Life Skills, E2E, Apprenticeships, Traineeships and Bootcamps, with a particular focus on Quality of Education. Currently, Ruth is Director of Quality at Yuzu Training.
A holder of SET ‘Advanced Teacher Status’ and ‘Chartered Teacher Status’, she is also qualified in IAG and has been a Safeguarding & Prevent Designated Lead (DSL) for more than 15 years.
Ruth’s experience will support the wider ALPS Alphi network to share and enhance practice and deliver a contextualised/bespoke but consistent high quality provision to their learners.

Sue has worked for ALPS since 2003, she joined as a freelancer, running the networks ESF programmes which in total were valued at £4 million. Sue continued to run these until their successful completion and alongside these ALPS ran the Train to Gain contract. Both contracts were Ofsted inspected at Grade 2.
Previously to ALPS, Sue worked as a Director for Kingsley Training, a Grade 2 provider in Care.
Sue’s main role is building ALPS ALPHI’s membership ensuring there is a wide selection of providers in the group.
Sue represents the network ensuring that ALPS ALPHI is always thought upon as the Go-To place for apprenticeships/traineeships in Surrey, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
- The Employment and Skills Board for Surrey
- AELP, Sue is the regional Chair in the South
- Meetings with both Coast to Capital and Enterprise M3 Local Enterprise Partnerships
- The ASK project (Apprenticeships Support and Knowledge in Schools)
- National Apprenticeship Service National awards
- ESF work within the LEP’s
- Surrey Chamber of Commerce links with employers
- Federation of Small Business links with employers

We currently have more than 40 members including Independent Training Providers, Further Education Colleges, Higher Education Institutions …

We are contracted by the Government to provide impartial information about Apprenticesat schools Careers Fairs, Assemblies, Workshops …

Thinking of taking on an Apprentice? We can meet with you to discuss your needs, the requirements of the scheme and how to move forward…

If you want to become an Apprentice, feel free to use this site to research opportunities within Surrey. Contact us if you are unsure about anything…