On Friday 27th September the Association of Learning Providers (ALPS) ran the 5th graduation for Surrey Apprentices and Teachers was held at Guildford Cathedral.

Surrey Graduation for Apprentices and Teachers

On Friday 27th September the Association of Learning Providers (ALPS) ran the 5th graduation for Surrey Apprentices and Teachers, which was held at Guildford Cathedral.

ALPS joined up with GLF Schools,  a large Surrey-based Multi Academy Trust which was founded in 2012.  GLF Schools runs a trainee teacher programme and it was a pleasure to team up with them to celebrate the success of 35 qualifying teachers.

Providers across the Surrey network celebrated the success of over 100 apprentices who came from 40 employers across the area.  Apprentices had studied over many different sector areas and had qualified across all levels.

The event was sponsored by Surrey County Council, The Federation of Small Business, The local apprenticeship Ambassador Network and NCFE.  Anne Milton, the former Skills Minister was the keynote speaker, with further speakers from The FSB, NHS, and Surrey County Council’s Deputy Chairman, Colin Kemp.

Sue Taylor (network manager ALPS) said “It was fantastic to celebrate the success of apprentices at a graduation where the apprentices could wear gowns and they could celebrate their success with their family and employers”. Alison Galvin, Financial Direct from Invotra who had 5 employees graduating remarked “ It was amazing to see the hard work of her team being rewarded at such a special event”. Invotra were regional winners of the SME National Apprenticeship Awards and will be going forward to the National Awards.

ALPS will be looking forward to working on the 2020 graduation.