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Jace Training – AnnabelBack to listing

What qualification did you study with JACE?

My business admin level 3.

What made you choose to do an apprenticeship?

I did a year of uni and I kind of went through my whole life wanting to be a PE teacher so I went to uni but it really wasn’t for me, so I came out of it and thought, well what do I want to do? And I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do but I knew I wanted to gain more qualifications, so I thought Business Administration was the best way to start. Having a Business Administration apprenticeship in any company is going to help. So, I thought that was the best route.

I applied through JACE Training and had a meeting with my tutor Natalie and I went from there.

Did you school recommend apprenticeships to you?

I honestly can’t remember but I don’t think they did. I went to a private school and they kind of push going to 6th form, going to uni so I don’t think anyone from my school did an apprenticeship actually.

How did you hear about the apprenticeship with JACE?

I did a little bit of admin work at the Jancett head office and Natalie pops in and out and she was my tutor, so she spoke to me and asked was I looking to do anything else? I had a meeting with her and she explained she had a really great opportunity at White Label and would I like her to put me forward for an interview? We passed on my CV and I came in for a few interviews and got the job.

What did you find hardest about the apprenticeship?

Exams! I don’t like exams. They make me feel very nervous. I’d always email Natalie the day before an exam and be like, ‘yeah, can I not do my exam tomorrow?’ and she would always reply ‘You’re doing your exam tomorrow.’

What did you enjoy most about your apprenticeship?

I think I was really lucky here at White Label. I got to do some really, really cool events. We did big award ceremonies and they were so much fun. We had lots of dinner events. We do have quite a few early mornings, but you get breakfast, so it’s fine!

What qualities do you feel will help with being an apprentice?

I think you just need to be willing. You need to be willing to learn and willing to get stuck in. I think getting stuck in is the best way to do it.

How has your tutor and workplace helped you?

White Label were great. They arranged for me to have a Friday to study, depending on how much work we had on at that time. For example, we don’t normally have events during school holidays, so I would only concentrate on work during May and June when we were busiest but then in July and August when it was quieter, I could put in a lot more study work.



Pearson TQ Army Apprenticeships

In October 2015, Pearson TQ was awarded the contract to deliver a range of Army Apprenticeships to soldiers and service personnel.

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JTL Training – Ben Jenkins

Ben was grammar school educated and brought up in an environment where university was the perceived route to a career.

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WBTC – Marquise Thompson

Marquise Thompson achieved high grades in his A level examinations, but wanted to get some first hand experience and real world learning to improve his career prospects.

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We currently have more than 30 members including Independent Training Providers, Further Education Colleges, Higher Education Institutions…


We are contracted by the Government to provide impartial information about Apprentices at schools Careers Fairs, Assemblies, Workshops…


Thinking of taking on an Apprentice? We can meet with you to discuss your needs, the requirements of the scheme and how to move forward…


If you want to become an Apprentice, feel free to use this site to research opportunities within Surrey. Contact us if you are unsure about anything.