Case studies are very important for ALPS to share the good work that our members do.  Please keep us up to date with interesting case studies and we will share the success of learners and employers.

WBTC – Marquise ThompsonBack to listing

Marquise Thompson achieved high grades in his A level examinations, but wanted to get some first hand experience and real world learning to improve his career prospects. He felt an Apprenticeship would offer a better solution for him than college and got in touch with WBTC. He was quickly snapped up by 3M and in a short time has managed to achieved his qualifications. He is now looking towards gaining his CIMA or ACCA qualifications. We caught up with Marquise to find out how he’s doing.

What is your current position?

Financial Accounting Analyst

Who is your employer?


How long have you been with your employer?

I have now been with 3M for 16 months.

Describe your job. What do you do on a day to day basis?

I tend to crunch numbers, run reports for seniors, sometimes people will ask me to pull data out the system and create reports for them, I will analyse numbers on a month end basis, spot variances and look for a reason to describe this variance. I also have quite a few reconciliations I would complete on a month end basis.

Were you with this employer before you began your Apprenticeship?

No this is my first ever Job, I have never worked before.

What Apprenticeship programme are you on and what is the qualification you are going towards or have already achieved?

I was on my level 3 Certificate in accounting, now I have moved onto level 4, I studied 3 A levels: Business, Law & Accounting. I then went on to start my qualifications in accounting I achieved Level 1 & 2 Accounting and then decided to move up to the next level as an Apprentice, I achieved level 3 and I am now on level 4, From here I would like to go on to study either ACCA or CIMA

How long were you on the programme?

I have been on the programme for 16 months and have enjoyed every day of it.

Have you been promoted at all as a result of your Apprenticeship training?

I was awarded a pay rise when I completed my Level 3.

What got you started on the road to an Apprenticeship?


Pearson TQ Army Apprenticeships

In October 2015, Pearson TQ was awarded the contract to deliver a range of Army Apprenticeships to soldiers and service personnel.

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Jace Training – Annabel

I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do but I knew I wanted to gain more qualifications, so I thought Business Administration was the best way to start.

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JTL Training – Ben Jenkins

Ben was grammar school educated and brought up in an environment where university was the perceived route to a career.

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We currently have more than 30 members including Independent Training Providers, Further Education Colleges, Higher Education Institutions…


We are contracted by the Government to provide impartial information about Apprentices at schools Careers Fairs, Assemblies, Workshops…


Thinking of taking on an Apprentice? We can meet with you to discuss your needs, the requirements of the scheme and how to move forward…


If you want to become an Apprentice, feel free to use this site to research opportunities within Surrey. Contact us if you are unsure about anything.